Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thrifty Thursday - Community Scrapbook

Have your child decorate a plain 3-ring binder or even a composition book or plain notebook to use as a tool to help them learn about different places and people in their community along with history and special events and community celebrations.

Materials Needed:

  • 3-Ring Binder
  • Cardstock
  • Markers
  • Magazines
  • Glue Stick
  • Hole Puncher
  • Scissors
Have your child decorate the 3-ring binder however they want. One idea is to cover it with photos from around your neighborhood or town and then personalizing it with markers.
You should use cardstock because it will hold up better to glue! You can make the cardstock pages fit in your book by punching 3 holes in the side of each piece where the binder rings will fit through.

Now, your child can start to make their book! Talk about different community workers such as police officers, fire fighters, mail carriers, doctors, and anyone else who serves the people in their community. Page through a variety of magazines and find pictures related to different community workers and cut them out. Make a page for each job and make a collage using the pictures you found.

You can also plan a visit to places such as a fire station, a police station, post office, restaurant, and so on. Have your child take pictures or make drawings related to what they see. Add these to the 3-ring binder.
Another ideas well suited for older kids is to interview different neighbors and include pictures of them and perhaps their home to include in your book.


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